S*Spin Engine's Norwegian Forestcats

The Uppsala Cats' - Litter 28


A surprise in one way because all the kittens since were amber or lightamber classic tabby. This result told me that the father must be amber even since his stated colour is créme. There was also sorrows since we lost four out of six kittens the very first shivering hours.

Mother is Spin Engine's Diamanda, Blacksilver classic tabby (NFO ns 22) and father is our beautiful Spin Engine's Morphix Milou, Créme classic tabby (NFO e 22) or rather créme amber classic tabby (NFO et 22).

We proudly present our two boys; Bull is lightamber classic tabby and Bill is amber classic tabby born the third of June 2013!


Bill sold Vevelstad NFO, Milano, Italy

Bull sold Stockholm, Sweden